Tuesday, 6 September 2011

OK - I'll Let You Have A Sneak Peak!

Room 1 - rocking it out to 'Men In Black'.

Music by:  Will Smith
Costumes: Inspired by the All Blacks
Dancers:  All fabulous!

KEY COMPETENCIES BEING DEVELOPED:  Participating & Contributing / Managing Self.


Miss Simpson said...

Hi Room 1
Wow, your production looks like a lot of fun! I love the All Black costumes and the idea of performing a dance to 'Men in Black'. We might have to borrow that idea for an assembly later on in the term!
Hope you are all fully recovered after our exchange last week!
From Miss Simpson @ Halcombe School

Anonymous said...

You were stunning Room 1! It's always great to have an opportunity for our whole school community to see you as the excellent role models you truly are!
Isn't Miss G so cleverly wacky with writing such a fun Production script?