Sunday, 23 October 2011

Term 4 - What's Coming Up?

Well - we need to fit 20 weeks of work into 8 SO we will be very very very busy!  Luckily we are all mentally and physically tough enough to handle hard work!

We have: 
*The Interactive Drum Group on Friday morning followed by Pet Day in the afternoon.

*YMCA continues to provide us with quality lessons based on the skills of athletics every Monday.

*Many of us have 'pre-tests' at the high schools we are enrolled in for 2012!

*Cluster Cross Country is in week 3.

*As a part of our Nga Tanagata O Aotearoa theme we will be studying and visiting our local Marae.

*We will be being assessed for the final stage of our progressive report for 2011.
*We are organising some fun-filled kindy buddy class activities.
*Oh and Miss Gee  just reminded us - we will be readers, writers and mathematicians as well! 

"Are you sure we can fit that all in Miss G?"

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